You’re #Following All Wrong & Open Your Damn DMs! @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @NonnieJules

It is a must that I share my thoughts today. You see, I’m all about helping my fellow writers and authors.  I believe in the “each one, teach one” motto – I work it and I live it, so when I find something that might be beneficial to you, I share it.  In turn, I hope that you will share it with others, as well.

I’m on Twitter more than I’m on any other social media platform, and what I am noticing about some of you authors, is troubling me to my core.  I’m laying out those troubles down below in two points.

Point #1:  You’re following all wrong.  I see Twitter bios that read “I only follow authors.”

Untitled design (3)

I cringe.

Here’s my problem with that.  Those people who you are shunning because they don’t wear an author hat, are also readers.  So, when you proudly post, “I’m not going to follow you unless you’re an author,” they move right along to the next author who realizes that everyone is a potential reader for their book. 

Fix your bio!

Point #2:  You’re blocking your blessings.  I see Twitter bios that read “NO DMS!” or “My DMS are closed,” or “I only respond to DMS from authors.”  Here again, you’re going about social media all wrong.  I understand that SPAM finds its way into our DMS from time to time, or other unsolicited nonsense, but, when you close off your DMs, or you publicize that you don’t read your DMs, you’re letting {sometimes} lucrative opportunities pass you by.  Just yesterday I posted a tweet that read:  I’m not sure what every1 has against DMs, but u might want 2 re-think shunning ALL DMs. Sometimes, ur gr8est opportunities will come by way of ur DM. Don’t block ur blessings, people. Most often, they only come knocking once. So, as long as ur not spam, my DMs R always open.  A young man replied to that tweet with something like, “I agree,” and in that moment, I checked out his bio, which was extremely interesting, and then popped into his DM to invite him to be a guest on our LET’S TALK ABOUT IT! Show at RRBC!  

When I invite someone to appear in my 12 Days of Authors series, which by the way I hope to return just in time for Christmas (Yayyy!), I go into DMs to send those invites because I don’t have everyone’s email address, and I sure as heck am not going to post that invite publicly.  I can only recall one author turning down my 12 Days invite, and that was due to a scheduling issue – I mean, who would miss out on an opportunity to introduce their book(s) to the masses?  That’s like saying no to free book promotion.

If I want to tell you how poorly edited I found your book to be before I post the review to Amazon, do you want me to announce that in an open tweet, or, would you prefer that I share that info with you privately, via your DM?

Yes, there are annoyances found in our DMs but for the most part, there are a ton more blessings waiting there.  

Stop following the crowds.  Some of you don’t even know why you’re posting about your “closed” DMs, you simply saw someone else posting that and did the same.  Don’t be like them.  Right now they could have an invite from Oprah waiting, asking if they’d like to be interviewed on live television for her book club, but, they’ll never know about it, because their DMs are closed.

Dog rolling eyes

Open your damn DMs!

I hope you’ve learned a little something here today.  I also hope you’ll share it with your friends.  Leave me a comment below and let me know how you handle your own DM situation online.  Lastly, be sure to follow me on Twitter – as long as I can understand the language in your bio, I’m pretty sure I’ll be following you back! @NonnieJules

Take care…


  1. Hi Nonnie, an interesting post about DM’s and Twitter. I spend more time on WP than Twitter but I do visit Twitter every day. I also read DMs. I’ve had a few spam messages but I don’t worry about those ones. Maybe I’ve been lucky with spam. I have a spectrum of Twitter pals and they are not all authors. I also follow book bloggers, artists, photographers, bakers, moms, and other people who I find interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Robbie! Yes, for some strange reason some of us never get any SPAM in our DM, but, on the other hand, some of us aren’t that lucky. Thank you for being one who does take the time to check and respond to those messages of substance found in your DMs.

      Thanks for dropping by to chime in!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like these honest comments Nonnie !

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Rox Burkey

    Hi Nonnie, your point is well made. These days all social media is topsey turnvey and need a bit of a kick. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love it, Nonnie! You are correct that DMs are there to keep things a little more private instead of broadcasting to the world. They’ve opened some doors for me and, at times, resulted in doors being slammed shut if they were spam or porn. You don’t know what ya got until you open them…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, John! Yes… you won’t know about that invite to Oprah’s Book Club until you tip into your DM and check those messages! LOL!

      Thanks for dropping by!


  5. I always respond when I get DMs (unless it’s someone I don’t know just advertising their works). If they take the time to send me a personal message, the least I can do is read it. Great post, Nonnie. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Yvette! Thank you for being kind enough to take the time to respond to those private messages that others take the time to leave you. Again, you never know what great opportunity is waiting there for you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You are so right. Yes, I get junk messages, but I also get some very welcome ones!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Karen! In my experience, the welcome ones always outweigh the junk.

      Thanks for dropping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    Nonnie your message is definitely of interest to me. I rarely use my DM, not because I don’t want to, just haven’t had any occasion to use it. At one time I was flooded with messages there. Probably because it was something new to all of us. Now it’s just another channel among choices. Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts on it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Shirley! You might want to get in the habit of checking those DMs!



      • Shirley Harris-Slaughter

        Nonnie, I used to get alerts whenever a message appeared. I’ll start checking if that’s not the case anymore.


  8. Reblogged this on RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB and commented:

    Hello, friends! Some of us are failing at connecting on Twitter. Here are a couple of pointers to get you on the right track. Stop running your readers away!

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