Another Giant Living in the Land of “We” Not ‘Me’ @EWeezy_For3eezy @Kamillascsilva @CaitlinClark22 @Reese10Angel @NonnieJules

I know, you never expect that you will find anything other than writing articles and posts on how to be decent humans here at WATCH NONNIE WRITE!… right?  Well, the article below does fall into the category of what you’d expect to find here, although at first glance you’ll ask yourself, “So, now Nonnie’s writing about basketball?”  (If you did ask yourself that question, please know that Nonnie can write about most anything.)

In our March/April ’24 Issue of THE RRBC PIPELINE, my  A Word from our President feature focuses on pushing us to live for others first… to live in service to others.

I’m not a big sports fan (outside of the fabulous sport my child played and coached), but with this new class of basketball greats, Kamilla Cardoso, Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese, and others, I will readily admit that I will be watching basketball this upcoming season.  This pleases my husband greatly, because instead of complaining while he watches, I’ll be right there with him, shouting at the tele.

But this post is not to alert you to what will be on my television beginning this May – this post is to bring to your attention another giant (as I like to refer to the unselfish at heart) who lives in the Land of “we.”  Her name is Erica Wheeler and she is Caitlin Clark’s new teammate… she is also the person who will most likely take a back seat to Caitlin Clark this season, because they play the same position. I hope this won’t be the case, but I hear that it’s a possibility.

I am highlighting Erica here because I don’t think that she will get the attention she deserves for being the awesome person she clearly is.  So, do me a favor… click the link below, and learn a bit about Erica Wheeler and what gives her GIANT status in my eyes.



(photo courtesy of Indiana Fever)

When I say that when you support and serve others, someone is always out there supporting and serving you, this is a perfect example of what I mean.  If Erica Wheeler had not been the awesome person that she is, I would not be writing about her, spotlighting her, and giving her the shine she deserves right here on my blog. 

So, just know, when you do good things for others, someone is going to hear about it, and they are going to rush to do good things for you.  I believe that!

I will be watching this Indiana women’s basketball team play this season, and not just because Caitlin Clark is on the roster.  I’ll be watching more so because Erica Wheeler is.


  1. Nonnie, sometimes the Erica Wheelers of the world get attention because they are always of service to others. They usually stay behind the scenes until something happens and they get the spotlight. Someone close to me, a woman of service, I like to describe her as, was there for me when I went on book events. On several occasions she was there for me. When she passed I had an opportunity to sing her praises and I made sure people knew who she was.

    So, I will take a look at Erica based on your recommendation.

    Thank you for sharing her story.


  2. WOW! I had a typo here and no one mentioned it to me :( Thankfully, I went back and re-read my post. 

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi, Nonnie!

    Kudos to Erika Wheeler! And to people like her who lift others up and support them. Like everyone here at RRBC. We’re blessed to be in THIS team. You’ve created a fantastic atmosphere, Nonnie.




  4. EW is a rarity, especially in such a competitive environment. We’ll see if she can walk the talk in the upcoming season.


  5. Amen! Madam Prez! This is really true!
    Shalom shalom 👧🏾✌🏾


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