I received a DM on Twitter today that I needed to check out the tweet of this person who has taken an “odd” liking to us over at RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB. So, I go and take a peek at the tweet and OMG, it’s supposed to be a blog post but it’s a BOOK! Seriously, it was so long it would have taken me over a month to read this post so I skimmed it (really, that’s all it was worth was just a skim).

This “person,” who we will call NAMELESS {because “IT” will get no attention riding on my coat tails}, has decided to tell the world that RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB is a sham. Initially, I was going to take what “IT” had said and touch on each point, bit by bit…but honestly, I skimmed it so fast and I was literally laughing so hard, that I didn’t retain much of my “skim.” Sorry 😦

A few members have read the blog post and they have reached out to me to find out what we can do about this slander of our wonderful club. I want everyone to calm down because although everything that NAMELESS put in “IT’S” blog about RRBC was FALSE, I am actually a great fact checker! And, that’s about to become unfortunate for NAMELESS.

Before I go any further, here’s a side note to NAMELESS:

LIBEL (RULES FOR BLOGGERS): You cannot publish on your blog untrue information about anyone or anything that could negatively affect that person or thing’s reputation. It doesn’t matter if you get no traffic to your blog. If you publish something false about a person or entity that could damage their reputation, you’ve committed LIBEL and could be in big trouble! If you can’t prove that the negative and potentially harmful information you publish on your public blog is in fact true, don’t publish it at all!

Going a little further, NAMELESS, I’m told, has accused RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB of two very important things which I WILL touch on:

1) “We encourage our members to ONLY post favorable reviews.” The Governing Board members of RRBC have collectively decided that ON OUR SITE we will only post reviews that are 3 star rated or greater. For those less than favorable reviews, we will send directly to the author as we are not here to embarrass anyone. We are here to help, support and uplift. IT IS CLEARLY SPELLED OUT on our FAQ page, that WE WILL NOT DICTATE what rating our members give member books in any other forum, Amazon included. Actually, we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE honesty in ALL reviews.

2) “We do review swapping.” Any member who has completed an application with RRBC and has made any mention of Review-Swapping on their application was immediately notified BEFORE their membership was processed that we are not in the business of Review-Swapping.

NAMELESS needs to become a better fact-checker before “IT” tries to build a following based on BLATANT UNTRUTHS and outlandish attacks on “people of great reputation.”

Now, are you ready for THE REAL FACTS? Let me lay them all out for you and after this, we, as in the Board Members of RRBC, will not mention, acknowledge or even breathe a typed word in the direction of NAMELESS. It is obvious, that “IT” is trying to garner 15 minutes of fame by trying to defame our wonderful, successful and flourishing club, but NAMELESS, your time is up.  And, you know what they say:  “Feed a stray dog and it never goes away.”  So to my members I also ask:  “Please don’t feed the animals.”

Fact: The blog post that NAMELESS wrote has been up for the better part of the day, if not longer, and in ALL that time it has been shared an extremely minimal number of times:  with Facebook (2), Twitter (3) and LinkedIn (1). I think NAMELESS is trying to build “IT’S” following by using our hashtag to get folks over to “IT’S” blog. But, seems it didn’t work. Probably because RRBC supportive members KNOW THE TRUTH AND KNOW WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT.

Fact: NAMELESS seems to be the dishonest party here as “IT” used every search tag imaginable on the blog post “IT” wrote on RRBC. Take a look at some of the search tags used (and don’t laugh): “Movies, J.K. Rowling, Google Play, KOBO, and could you tell me what TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER might have to do with us?” Once again, seems NAMELESS is trying every “trick” in the book to get traffic to “IT’S” blog.  NAMELESS, YOU ARE SHAMELESS!

Fact: NAMELESS has been on Twitter since 2009 and in 5 years “IT” has only 137 Followers? WOW! I’ve been on Twitter for a year and I have almost 3,400 Followers.

Fact: In “IT’S” blog post, NAMELESS mentioned something about how many reviews my book DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER, NIGHTMARE’S FRIEND had. That book was published in November of 2013 and yes, already it has over 50 reviews! Yayyyyy me! It seems that NAMELESS has been busy publishing books, too and yet here are “IT’S” stats:

1) Book published in Dec. 2012 – 6 reviews
2) Book published in Dec. 2012 – 2 reviews
3) Book published in Mar 2005 – 4 reviews
4) Book published in Jan. 2003 – 3 reviews

So, maybe NAMELESS is upset that my book, along with a ton more of our member-author books has more reviews than “IT’S” books, and some of our books have only been out about 6 months or less? The oldest book published by NAMELESS was done so in 2003 yet has only 3 reviews! Maybe if NAMELESS spent more time trying to align with like-minded individuals like the ones we have at RRBC, or even trying to promote “IT’S” books, it would have more sales AND more honest reviews. One of the books has an Amazon ranking of 5,221,696 and another 4,347,634. I think NAMELESS needs to focus “IT’S” attention in another area and stop spending so much time on us.  And here is the best I can offer:  Why don’t you join that AWESOME, FANTABULOUS BOOK CLUB that everyone’s buzzing about?  You know the one that is extremely successful at PROFILING, PROMOTING & PROPELLING INDIE AUTHOR CAREERS?  We welcome you…but all this misbehaving will have to stop first! 🙂

Fact: I read on NAMELESS’ Amazon Author page that “IT” is a psychic AND receives messages of peace from Princess Diana.

Aside from extending an invitation for you to JOIN US at RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB, NEED I SAY MORE?

Another sidenote:  NAMELESS, my board members call me their FEARLESS LEADER…that is for a reason, my friend!  You are now dismissed.


“Funny how those who do NOTHING to help others spend so much time trying to hinder those who do”

~ Nonnie Jules


  1. I love it! Great post.


  2. Let’s not give any more attention to “Nameless”. Well said.


  3. One thing I’ve learned from working in a male dominated field. That some people love drama and spend all their lives being agent provocateurs. The best way to deal with them is to let them know they have been outed. Then ignore them.


  4. I’m glad you didn’t descend to ‘IT’s’ depths. Great post! 🙂 🙂 🙂


  5. Great post! I’ve already gone from 28 posts for AMAZING MATILDA to 39; 14 to 18 for PURE TRASH. Wouldn’t have happened without the wonderful member support from RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB… Thank You & God Bless You, Every One! 🙂


    • Yes, Bette…RRBC has done some wonderfully, remarkable things for a lot of authors and readers, too! The TEAM works hard to ensure the best experience for each member and we’re proud of what we do. No one should be allowed to try and “ugly” that up. It’s just insulting. But as with everything, these kinds of hiccups only makes a stronger and causes us all to band together against “lurking evils.” Thanks for stopping by!


      • My pleasure, Nonnie. By the way, I forgot to mention all of the followers I gained during my SPOTLIGHT: Twitter, Facebook & my blog. Also, I’ve purchased, read and reviewed three RRBC members’ books so far. Not only did I enjoy the books, I got to know some of the authors better. RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB is a WIN/WIN place to be! AGAIN, THANKS TO ALL. 🙂


  6. When I started writing for Conscious Life News, I received good comments about the topics and the writing. One day, I received a comment that was so disrespectful, I was really taken aback. I sent the comment to a mentor who had been writing online for some time. She replied: “Congratulations, Jennie. When you receive a negative comment, you know you’ve stirred the pot and touched a nerve that needed touching. You’re on the right track. Send love to that writer because that is what is needed most to counter negativity.” So, Nonnie, you must have really touched a nerve that needed touching! Congratulations! And thanks for a supportive and well-organized club. Jennie


  7. Well said, Nonnie!


  8. Nonnie, you and the Board are doing an awesome job and nobody’s envy will get in the way of RRBC’s success.


  9. Maybe and hopefully, “Nameless” shall remain nameless and just fade away.


  10. Shirley L. Slaughter

    Reblogged this on sharrislaughter and commented:
    RRBC has been under attack lately and so I am sharing our President’s blog with you my dear friends…


  11. Shirley L. Slaughter

    Hilarious!. You told nameless off. It’s not smart to bring other people down in order to build yourself up. It never works.


  12. Well put, dear Nonnie. This person needs help in ways we’re not qualified to administer!


    • I totally concur with you on that point, Beem! But, I tend to concur with you on a lot of points! Let’s face it, you make great points!


  13. Great reply Nonnie. Loved the Princess Di connection. No more need be said.


  14. It a sad state of affairs when individuals have nothing than to seek to destroy something of value. From what you’ve given us it’s quite easy to tell this individual is apparently self-centered and only cares for himself/herself. This individual also seems to be a user for whom the whole world must revolve around. “You give to me and I’ll take from you” is in all probability his/her mantra. It would surprise me at the least, if this individual had at one time been a member here, a member looks as if they had done nothing in the area of support here, yet at the same time gives me and possibly others he/she wanted to have everything promote their book.

    I love the support network which exists here. Is the best I’ve seen in the 2 1/2 years I’ve been on the internet concerning my writing first and now my book[s]; which is the reason I’ve become so active here.

    Have a GREAT WEEK in whatever you do and let this be a bump in the road which you’ve gone over and now are moving ahead


    • Thanks, Robin! I wouldn’t even call it a bump…it was so “easy” to get past. 🙂


  15. Reblogged this on mypennameonly.


  16. I haven’t seen that blog, I’m glad to say. And I don’t want to give it credence by leaving a comment of any depth. Needless to say, there are always people who are jealous of success. They are best ignored.Good riposte, Nonnie


    • Judith, I think “It’s” intention was that we’d go on and on about this and list their blog, etc., thereby giving it more attention. What “It” failed to note was that even on my worst day, I still like to think I’m the sharpest tool in the shed! Thanks for stopping by.



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