Welcome to Day 1 of #NJ12DaysOfAuthors (May) Series! @AuthorFleur #DestinyAndOtherDilemmas

12 Days of Authors Caroline Fleur


At the end of this series, 1 lucky visitor will win a (12) Kindle e-book pack which will include a copy of each book featured in this series + a $10 Amazon gift card!  Simply leave a comment below to be entered into the drawing!


On the first day of the May “12 Days of Authors” Series… Nonnie’s gift to you…


Author bio:

Caroline Fleur lives in the Dallas, Texas, area with her husband and son. She enjoys spending time with her family, as well as traveling through the quite easy-to-reach DFW Airport. She is passionate about writing and has a personal interest in food allergy research. Caroline hopes that in addition to reading this fun and flirty story, readers will also gain a deeper understanding of the constant balancing act that those living with food allergies have to perform. She is dedicated to the cause of food allergy awareness and an eventual cure. Not just for her son, but for all who are living with food allergies.

NJ:  Hi, Caroline.  Let’s jump right into your interview.  Is your author name a pen name or your birth name?

Caroline:  I use a pen name, which is a version of a name I have been called before, so it is very natural to me and easy to answer to

NJ:  What made you decide to write under a pen name?

Caroline:  All my writing involves the issue of food allergies to some degree, and I’m a very vocal food allergy advocate. My son has multiple food allergies and raising awareness is a crucial step in the process of finding a cure. Since I speak openly online, I didn’t think it was fair to use my son’s last name and risk embarrassing him. Once he graduates school, I won’t be as guarded about it as I am now.  

NJ:  As a very vocal mom on parenting issues, I understand totally.  How long have you been writing?

Caroline:  I have been writing my whole life in one way or another. I started with cartoons when I was too young to write, then short stories. I have always jotted my thoughts down in a journal, which helped me think clearly during stressful times. I had an article published in a magazine, which was exciting, but I always had the dream of writing a novel one day. When the pandemic hit, I knew it was my chance to do it!

NJ:  Good for you!  Are you indie or traditionally published?

Caroline:  I decided not to do traditional publishing for my first book in order to learn and understand the process, but I wouldn’t rule out traditional publishing for future books. I think there are many positive aspects with both options.


Destiny and other Dilemmas by Caroline Fleur

BLURB:  Brooke Stern seemed to have the perfect life – until she didn’t. After an unexpected turn of events that shook her marriage of fifteen years, she must navigate her new normal as a single, independent woman. Juggling her son’s food allergies, her demanding career, and a growing interest in a mysterious man, she’s determined to restart her life and find a clear path ahead. When she finally reclaims her courage, she is confronted with the harsh consequences of her choices. Any step forward is a potential risk as she tries to make the best decisions for herself and the future of her family. That is, if destiny doesn’t step in and decide for her.

NJ:  I have been in this business long enough to know that quite a few readers have a purchase price point and will only spend so much on an e-book. How do you price your books and what is your logic behind the pricing? 

Caroline:  I spent hours researching the current price points for paperback books and eBooks in my genre. After listing books that were similar to mine, I narrowed them down to those that were a similar length (my paperback book is 396 pages) because many books are shorter. Then, I averaged those book prices and made that my price point. I felt my prices were very fair as I spent a year of my life on this project, and the paperback book costs the same or less than one mixed drink in a Dallas restaurant! The eBook is even cheaper.  

NJ:  I got on Twitter many years ago because my social media manager at the time, told me that I needed to be on Twitter. He did not give me an actual reason as to why (I had to learn my “why” on my own), just that I needed to be there.  What was your main reason for getting on Twitter?  For support? For fun?

Caroline:  I was afraid to go on Twitter at first because I had only heard bad things about it. However, a good friend told me there was an entire writing community there and I decided to check it out. I was looking for other hopeful writers like me, in hopes of finding encouragement, tips and support. I also wanted to encourage others and share what I had learned. I have been thrilled with the writing community so far and had only positive experiences.

NJ:  Supporting others is a huge part of my identity. I believe that when you invest your time and support in others, you find that your circle grows by leaps and bounds of others giving the same to you. When I first got involved heavily on Twitter, I was pushing others more than I was pushing myself – I continue to do so. Do you support others on social media?  If so, how?

Caroline:  I try to respond to people as much as possible, especially if they are having a low day. Sometimes people get rejection letters from agents, and need a boost and I try to respond right away with something positive. I also like to offer cheer and congratulations for anyone that reaches their goals or has success. I also retweet others tweets or pinned tweets frequently to support them, even if I don’t know them well.

NJ:  Do you actually take the time to read tweets from others before you retweet them, or do you just hit “retweet” without ever engaging in the tweet?

Caroline:  I do take the time to read tweets, blogs and even tweeted articles. I comment on them as well because I want the person to know I took the time to look at it. I also want to be sure that what I’m about to retweet is appropriate and something I truly agree with.  I would add that when doing a retweet, it is important to include the original tweeter’s handle or they might not see it.

NJ:  All great answers, Caroline!  If you could map out the perfect way that you would want others to support you on social media, how would you ask your followers to support you? Just imagine that everyone who reads this interview will run out and follow you.  How could they best support you?  What would you have them do?

Caroline:  I would appreciate them reaching out to respond, even if its just with a meme. I like to know who’s out there and listening, and I’m active on Twitter to show others I’m there for them as well. I appreciate retweets and quote tweets because that’s the best way to make connections with others, and spread information about important topics (for me, this is mostly food allergy related).

NJ:  What is the one bit of writing advice you would give to any author, experienced or newbie?

Caroline:  I would say to just sit down and write the story. Don’t worry about the entire process or you might become so overwhelmed you will never get started. Desmond Tutu said, “There’s only one way to eat an elephant, a bite at a time.” Just do today’s writing, then tomorrow’s, and so on. Eventually you will have a manuscript, which will feel amazing, and then the drafting process starts. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

NJ:  Great tip!  Is your reputation as a writer important to you, OR might we look up one day and find that you are in a Twitter brawl with someone?

Caroline:  My reputation means everything to me because of my dedication to food allergy awareness and research. I want to be respected and taken seriously in both the writing and advocacy arenas. I have a background in family therapy intervention, which makes it easy to diffuse confrontations. I have a very, very long fuse, especially when dealing with people I don’t know well. You will never see me in a twitter brawl. Interestingly, I have never seen a Twitter brawl yet! Maybe one day I will.

NJ:  “My reputation means EVERYTHING to me.”  Did you hear that readers?  Your reputation should mean EVERYTHING to you.  Great response, Caroline!  And you’ve never seen a Twitter brawl?  Well, thank your lucky stars because they aren’t pretty at all.  Now, in your opinion, what is the biggest difference between the writers you see today around social media, versus the writers of old? 

Caroline:  I think the writers of old had more freedom to write as many details as they wanted. Descriptions were everything back then, as there were no televisions or internet to look at. Stories began slower and built up, liking a roller coaster ride, which is something I love! Now people want to get to the point faster. Everyone is busier and has a phone in their hand (myself included!). I personally love the older style of writing (especially Jane Austin and Charles Dickens), so I challenged myself to still include a lot of details but add enough dialogue to keep people interested throughout the first few chapters. The details are what makes me fall in love with the characters, places and ultimately the story.

NJ:  Do you value professionalism in the literary arena and worry that the lack thereof makes it harder for those of us who wish to be taken seriously in this business? Or, does the unprofessional behavior of some around social media not bother you at all?

Caroline:  I think it is a delicate balance we have to walk these days. We need to be personable, but not take things too far and cross over to unprofessional. We need to be professional, but not so uptight that no one can relate to us. It is a fine line we walk, but I think most of us do it well.

NJ:  If you have ever received any, how do you handle not-so-flattering reviews of your book(s)?

Caroline:  I am still trying to get reviews for my book, which is very challenging! Amazon has strict rules that no friends or family can do a review, and I follow that to the letter because I don’t want to upset Amazon! If I do receive not-so-flattering reviews, I know my feelings will be hurt and I will have to digest that disappointment and move on. I think putting your work into the world takes a thick skin, and I hope mine is thick enough.

NJ:  Thick skin needed indeed in this business!  Well, let’s hope that after today, you will have some reviews to start to roll in.  I personally will be purchasing your book as I have loved everything about your writing in just this little interview. By the way, members of the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB support each other by reading and reviewing the books in our catalog.  You should think about adding your name to our roster!  Caroline, do you appreciate honesty regarding your writing because you know that only honest feedback allows you to grow as a writer, or are you one of those who would prefer that others lie to you and tell you only what they know you want to hear?

Caroline:  I do appreciate honesty with my writing. Due to receiving honest feedback from my beta readers, I was able to adjust my manuscript (moved chapters around, removed a character and added more dialogue). The end result was so much better than the original manuscript. If I hadn’t taken their feedback to heart, my book would not be what it is today, which is something I’m very proud to have written.


  • Indie published
  • Writes full-time and writes women fiction
  • Only one published book to date
  • Books available on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple and Tolino. The paperback book price is $10.99 and the eBook price is $7.99.
  • Blog mainly revolves around food allergies – what food allergies are, what life is like in the food allergy world for a family like mine. Other times my blogs are more general, such as how to find the courage to write about deeply personal topics in a constructive way, without ranting.
  • Marketing tip:  I try to post on social media regularly because that is a platform the entire globe revolves around. I have asked those who know me that bought a book, to share it with just one friend, and they have. My friends have also shared my book on their social media pages (without me even asking!) and that is just free advertising, which I truly appreciate.


Instagram: @AuthorCarolineFleur

Twitter: @AuthorFleur

Website:  carolinefleur.com

Guests, thank you so much for dropping by to support Caroline on Day 1 of the May “12 DAYS OF AUTHORS” Series!  It would be amazing if you would support her by picking up a copy of her book above, and after reading, sharing your review to Amazon.  Ensure that you leave her a comment below, and also LIKE her feature before you leave for your chance to win the grand prize package listed above!  We’d both appreciate it if you would share her feature to Twitter and Facebook, as well. 

To follow along with the rest of the features in this series, visit the “12 DAYS OF AUTHORS” home page!  There will be a new feature tomorrow!  I’d also love it if you would #follow my site, as well as following me on Twitter @NonnieJules, as my truest joy is in service to others.  I’d love to support you, too!

HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE FEATURED IN MY #NJ12DaysOfAuthors Series?  Click HERE to sign up!


DISCLAIMER:  Any guest material appearing at WATCH NONNIE WRITE! is not edited, proofed or changed in any manner by the the owner of this blog. Material is posted as it is written and submitted.  It is not my place to make changes to someone else’s writing, as what I view as needing correcting, just might be the way the author intended the material to read.


  1. Hi Caroline, your books sounds amazing. I love the way you’ve incorporated your passion and understanding of food allergies with your story. Having a family member who has food intolerances I know it’s really hard to make them feel like they fit when out with their friends and to not feel different. You’re amazing!


    • Thanks Kathleen! Yes it is a tricky balance with fitting in and feeling normal as they go through the world, plus being safe too. Thank you for your support!! Nice to meet you!


    • Kathleen, thanks for supporting Caroline on her stop at WNW!


  2. jacob mical

    Thank again for all of your support!!! Your first novel seems very similar to mine in that there are many things from direct personal experience that help shape and mold the story! Seems like the best place to start to me!! Thanks again for your support and I look forward to monitoring your progress as a writer!


    • Thanks Jake! I am glad we met through this author event and I look forward to seeing you around Twitter! Best of luck to you!


    • Jacob, it’s always nice learning what we have in common with other writers, isn’t it? Thanks for dropping by to support Caroline!


  3. Thank you, Nonnie, for the introduction to Caroline! She is finding out just how supportive RRBC is. I’ll start following and supporting her right away. Nice to meet you, Caroline. 🙂


    • Thanks Mark! RRBC is wonderful. I just checked and you and I do follow each other on Twitter already! Nice to meet you and I look forward to your tweets!

      Liked by 1 person

    • I think she is, Mark! How can you not feel how supportive the RRBC community is to authors? Thanks for supporting Caroline!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, looking forward to becoming more familiar with your fascinating work, Caroline! Thanks for hosting, Nonnie!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Lisa! I appreciate your support and it’s great to meet you!


    • Thanks for supporting Caroline, Lisa! You’re awesome!


  5. I read Caroline’s comments with great interest, Nonnie. Her attitude towards social media, writing, and reviews is very sensible and aligned with my own. Poor reviews always hurt a little, but you either learn from a valid problem or issue, or you move on if it because the reader just didn’t like the genre or your writing style. Wishing Caroline all the best with her future writing career.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi,
    I like your statement by Desmond Tutu, there is only one way to eat an elephant, a bite at
    a time. That is so true. I was also encouraged hearing your way to learn the publishing process.
    That’s the way I’ve chosen too. I think both sides have much to offer authors as some of the
    authors that are being traditionally published are finding out.
    Wishing you all the best and thanks Nonnie for introducing Caroline.
    Shalom aleichem

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Pat! I appreciate your support and taking the time to read the interview. Yes both sides of publishing seem to have pros and cons, it just depends what pros and cons each of us are the most comfortable with. I wish you the best as well! Have a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for supporting today, Pat! We always know without a doubt you’ll be showing up!


  7. roxburkey

    Hi Caroline, what a delight to meet you. Really appreciate your thoughts on food allergies. Nonnie, thank you for the delightful discussion. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading my interview and considering the discussion on food allergies! I appreciate it!


    • Rox, thanks for dropping by!


  8. Nice to meet you Caroline! I like your topic of food allergies. I never quite gave it much thought but it is the cause of alot of major health issues.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for supporting Caroline, Phil!


      • Thank you for your support Phil! I am so happy that my interview led you to consider the impact food allergies have on those who have them. It’s a serious illness and my hope is more people will come to understand that. Thanks again!


    • I don’t see my reply to you from yesterday here, so I am going to write another one. If two pop up after this, you will know why. haha But thank you for reading my interview, and I am pleased it gave you some thought about food allergies. I hope that the more people who learn about them, the more empathy will be directed toward allergy families… up until there is a cure! Take care!


  9. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    Hi Caroline. It’s very nice to meet you. I never knew Amazon had strict rules about friends and family. I don’t think that is professional of them, to be all in your personal business.
    Your interview helped to learn more about you.

    Congratulations on your first book and this tour.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Shirley! It is nice to meet you as well. It was funny when I learned about Amazon’s rules, and I realized I know a LOT of people! That makes it more challenging, but oh well! Thank you so much for reading my interview!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for dropping by to support, Caroline, Shirley!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratulations, Caroline!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Randy Overbeck

    Good luck, Carolin. If writing is what you want to do, don’t let the challenges get you own.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi, Caroline. I always enjoy meeting new authors and Nonnie’s interviews are a great introduction. Thanks, Nonnie!

    Liked by 2 people

    • No, thank you, Karen, for dropping by!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you, Karen! It’s wonderful to meet you as well. I am so happy to get to know Nonnie, she is the real deal. I feel honored that she invited me to do the interview.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Reblogged this on Wanda Adams Fischer and commented:
    Meet this author! What a wonderful interview. I will be getting her book soon. You should as well!

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Hi Caroline–It was nice to meet you and learn more about you as an author. It is interesting how you’ve incorporated the topic of food allergies as one of the struggles a single mother must face. It’s another twist in a woman’s struggle to adapt to her new circumstances as an independent mother. As a consumer and reader, it would be great to learn learn more about food allergies on your blog. In a follow-up to Yvette’s comment, I agree that it might help to reduce the cost of the first book for a limited time in a promotion to build up your readership and brand. Good luck with your book. Thank you, Nonnie, for introducing Caroline to us.


    • Hello – nice to meet you too! Thank you so much for your suggestions and I will definitely consider them well. I appreciate you reading the interview and for your support!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Reblogged this on Apollo's Raven and commented:
    The following is a reblog from WATCH NONNIE WRITE! This is Day 1 of Nonnie’s “12 Days Of Authors” (May) Series featuring AUTHOR, CAROLINE FLEUR!

    Author Nonnie Jules loves supporting other authors. This is why she has revived her “12 Days of Authors” series which she began in 2014, but stopped due to the sudden passing of a very dear online friend.

    I will be featured during this May “12 Days of Authors” series and would appreciate greatly if you would support each author who is featured each day of the series. If you leave a comment along the event, you will be entered into a giveaway to win a 12 e-book package, all titles being featured in the series, along with a $10 Amazon gift card, courtesy of Nonnie Jules!

    I hope to see you following along with each day’s feature. There is a ton of information being shared by the various authors and some of it could benefit you and your own writing. Here’s the link to follow along… – https://nonniewrites.wordpress.com/nonnies-12-days-of-authors-series/


  16. Hi, Caroline! It’s great to meet you. Your blurb caught my attention and I enjoyed your interview with Nonnie. We have family members with severe food allergies, too. I appreciate your advocacy on behalf of sufferers. Nonnie, thanks for sharing Caroline and her book with us, and Caroline, RRBC is a great place to connect with some awesome people who are also wonderful writers! There is so much support here!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for supporting, Caroline, Patty! This is such a great topic. So many are plagued by food allergies and they don’t even know it.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Oh thank you for sharing with me about your family member. It is incredible how many food allergy families are out there. 32 million Americans with food allergies and more globally! I wish your loved ones the best of luck and safety – we will find a cure. And I am impressed with RRBC too!

        Liked by 1 person

  17. Great to meet you Caroline. Thanks Nonnie for the introduction!

    Liked by 3 people

  18. I agree that thinking too much about the writing process can be so overwhelming… Bit by bit will yield a more enjoyable result. Celebrating your every success, Caroline!

    Liked by 4 people

  19. Reblogged this on Maura Beth Brennan and commented:
    Check out this interview of author Caroline Fleur by RRBC President and author, Nonnie Jules. Caroline’s book sounds awesome!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for the reblog, Maura Beth! Her book does sound as if it will be an enjoyable read!

      Liked by 3 people

    • Oh thank you so much for your support – I will check out your blog! I appreciate it!!

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Caroline, so nice to meet you today! I loved the blurb for your book – very intriguing, and sure to lure readers. I’ll be checking out your book and will also follow you on Twitter. I, like you have never been in a brawl on Twitter, and enjoy the writing community there. I will say, many of the nice people there are RRBC members! Good luck with your book and getting those reviews (I feel your pain, believe me)! Nonnie, thanks for introducing us to Caroline!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you so much Maura! I appreciate your support and will look for you on Twitter! I hope we never have to see a Twitter brawl, but I’m sure it will eventually happen! And I am finally starting to get reviews, and they have been good so that’s a relief!! Knock on wood!!

      Liked by 2 people

  21. Hi Caroline. I’m glad to meet you. My wife has severe food allergies which limits her choice of dishes when eating. Sometimes, just the smell of garlic sets her off. Fortunately, our daughter can eat anything and if I want to eat Italian or Mexican, I go with her. My wife has missed so much in life. Enjoy the tour.

    Liked by 3 people

    • John, that’s so sad to hear! Food is such a huge part of our lives – to not be able to enjoy all that you think about or crave, is so sad to me. I wish her the best! Thanks for supporting Caroline!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh thank you for sharing with me about your wife. I completely understand what you mean about her smelling when a dish is “off.” We allow that with our son as well. If he says something smells weird to him or he doesn’t want his meal, we take it away immediately. They have a gut feeling/intuition sometimes when something isn’t good for them so we are sure to listen to that. I am so glad your daughter doesn’t have food allergies – that is a relief! I truly hope that there is a cure in the near future so everyone with food allergies can enjoy food and the joy of eating!! Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Great insights!

    Liked by 3 people

  23. Tonya

    Great interview!!!

    On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 12:37 AM Watch Nonnie Write! wrote:

    > RaveReviewsbyNJ posted: ” GIVEAWAY: At the end of this series, 1 lucky > visitor will win a (12) Kindle e-book pack which will include a copy of > each book featured in this series + a $10 Amazon gift card! Simply leave a > comment below to be entered into the drawing! *** O” >

    Liked by 3 people

  24. Hi, Caroline! It’s nice to meet you. I love your cover and title, and the blurb sounds great. As a fellow indie author, may I offer some advice? It’s really hard to get readers to take a chance on a new author, especially if the book costs more than $1.99. I know how much work goes into writing a book. And truly, we deserve to get paid so much more for the books we create, but readers are very cautious in spending money on someone they’ve never read before. May I recommend either lowering the price or having frequent sales where you put the price at $1.99 or lower (even FREE) for a week or so? As your first book, the goal is to rack in the reviews so others will want to read it. Once you’ve built your reviews, you can raise the price because readers can see how others have reacted to the story. Just a suggestion! 🙂

    Nonnie, thanks for introducing us to this author. I loved her answers and agree she should look into RRBC. She’d fit right in! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • She would, wouldn’t she, Yvette? I haven’t read her book, but just from this interview I think she’d be a good fit for RWISA. By the way, it was late when I posted this, but I was going to share the same advice with Caroline regarding the price of her book. That’s one of the reasons I added the ‘price point’ question because many of us are unwilling to go past a certain amount of dollars, especially when it’s a new author or an author we are unfamiliar with.

      Thanks for dropping by!

      Liked by 3 people

    • Hi Yvette! I will most certainly take your advice into consideration. I am new and unknown so that makes sense to me! I agree having more readers and reviews would help in the long run! I will look into RRBC today – Thank you!!

      Liked by 2 people

  25. Caroline, have an awesome day today!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! I have had a great day and I am honored that you asked me to do the interview. It was so fun!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Nonnie! You have been amazing. I hope you have an incredible day and successful Author Tour – I will be reading and interacting!!

      Liked by 2 people

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