Day 7 of #RRBC’s 2nd Annual #ADayInMyLife 30-Day Blogging Challenge @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA #RWISA @NonnieJules

Hello, friends!

Today, thoughts of many of you are on my heart.  Really.  You’re probably wondering “why” I’d be thinking about you, but I am, as I always do because I love and care about you.  I pray for so many of you each morning during my prayer time when I’m on my knees.  Would you believe that days after I was able to, I asked the nursing staff to bring me a blanket so that I could get on my knees to pray as I do at home?  And every day since the first day I asked, they have been bringing a special blanket by.  (It’s not an easy feat with an IV pole as your constant companion, but good news, that’s coming to an end!)

Oh, it feels so good when I’m able to get down on my knees and ask blessings for your lives!

I’m not one who hears of someone’s loss of a loved one, or the loss of their job, or any other misfortune, and says to them, “I’ll be praying for you,” unless it is my true intention to do so.  It bothers me when people say that, knowing that they don’t mean it.  If you’re someone I met on the street or in the store and I say that I’m going to pray for you, I’m going to ask for your name so that I am intentional about doing so.  So, to those of you who tend to throw out that, “I’ll be praying for you,” line, please be intentional about it.  If you say it, mean it.

On any given day if you walk into my prayer room without knocking, as my family has done in the past, you will hear me praying aloud, ticking off something similar to… “Dear, Lord, I ask blessings over the lives of … John & Anne, John & Jan, Harriet Hodgson, Shirley & Lang, Pat Garcia, Karl Morgan, Patty & Bill, Karen Black, Joy & Mike, Wanda Fischer, Yvette Calleiro, her son Dominic and her nephew Sebas (who I pray a specific prayer over for a special reason.  Yvette, I hope I have spelled his name correctly), Maura Beth & George, Nina Norstrom, Bette Stevens, Lisa Kirazian and her husband’s health, and her beautiful parents, Susanne Leist…” and the list goes on and on.

I want to share with you guys something that’s part of my daily routine.  You may have heard me share before that I collect card decks.  I love them in almost any form.  Most of mine are inspirational, motivational, some are yoga card decks, and some fall into the “other/miscellaneous” category, but every card deck that I have helps to make me a better person in one way or another.

The card deck that I’m sharing today was a gift, as many of my card decks are.  But this particular one is extra special to me, because the cards allow me to take the focus off of myself, and focus on others.  

Take a look at the outside box of the Believer’s Prayer Flash Cards…


Here is how these cards allow me to focus on the people that I love and care about, and even for strangers who I have met only once…

The cards are double-sided.  The front of each card contains a beautiful scripture.  SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL.  The backside of the cards contain guided spaces for you to log the name of the person you are praying for, the focus of your prayer, the details of the prayer (this is where I add a specific prayer for that person), and other information that you might want to document/log.

Take a look…

I love these cards… mainly because the older I get, and during those times when my brain is so foggy from illness, the more I forget, and I never want to forget to pray for those I care about.  This is so important to me.

I wanted to share these with you today because if you’d like for me to share a special prayer over you, please send me a personal email.  I’d be honored to add your request to my prayer list.  I do believe that when prayers go up, blessings come down.

There was a special card inside of this card deck.. it was the top card in the box set and it is prominently displayed on my desk.  It reads…

IMG_0518 (2)

…and for me and my house, we pray and we pray and we pray.

When I received this gift of cards last year, I immediately headed to Amazon and purchased a set for a friend, and at that time, the set was $30.00.  When I grabbed the link today for my post, the set was only $10!  That is a steal, so if you’re interested, I’d say order yours today.  I’m going back to grab a couple of extra sets myself for upcoming birthdays. 

The set comes with 50 cards, a wooden stand to display one at a time, and the cards are made of quality card stock. Even the inside of the box is filled with beautiful inspiration.  I highly recommend this set, and I promise you, you will love it!

That’s all I have for today.  See you all tomorrow, and thanks for dropping by 🙂


If you’d like a chance at winning a $25 Amazon gift card, simply leave a comment below, but before you do, I’d like to share that today was NATIONAL BE HEARD DAY!  Do your research to find out more about what this day means and the importance of it being on our national calendar.

I have friends who are also blogging along with me for 30 days, and they have some pretty interesting content on their blogs, as well.  I would love it if you would drop by to support them. You can follow along by clicking HERE.

P.S.  If you visit my posts and have left me a comment, I do respond to those comments, so please always check back on my posts, or click the link on your comment so that you are notified of any new comments or replies to your comment.  This would be the same for the other blogs you visit and leave comments on, as well.



  1. Thank you for praying for us. When I was younger, I prayed daily at school. As I got older, I stopped saying the printed prayers but prayed silently to God to help people. In the past five months, I’ve asked him daily to save the hostages taken by Hamas. He’s never answered me before, but I hope he does now.


  2. Nonnie, thank you so much for praying for me and for my husband Steve’s health. it’s so kind of you – as if you have nothing else going on! Prayer has become my daily food too, especially in the last couple years – is the only way to live and thrive. But to be among other encouraging people (and writers!) means the world too – thank you so much…


  3. Thank you, Nonnie, for adding Jan and I to your prayer list. I knew there was a reason that we are both making it through the winter months unscathed while others around us are suffering illness or other maladies. You must be my talisman!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi, John! I am so happy to know that while all around you are feeling unwell, you two are flying above it all… unscathed.

      Talisman… I’ll take that!

      Thanks for dropping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I encountered a card similar to yours at a funeral for a friend. They had these stacks of inspirational cards laying together to look through and pick out one that resonates with you. I’d never seen anything like it before. That was typical of the deceased individual whose desire it was to share these. She was a beautiful soul who touched all our lives; just like you Nonnie.

    Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shirley, thanks so much for those kind and loving words. I do hope that I am living up to the task of inspiring others. 

      Hugs 🙂

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  5. My eyes teared up when I read your post, Nonnie! Thank you for still praying for Sebas. That really means a lot to me. XOXO

    Yvette M Calleiro 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Yvette! Sebas is at the top of my prayer list daily. I wish for him the life that he deserves. 

      I’m so glad to know that Dominic is over his athletic injury and doing better.

      Hugs 🙂

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 50TH, I do remember that time fondly 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you and thank you again Nonnie. I know you have been saying a prayer for us and that is so good to know. I too pray that you will soon be quite well again. I have asked my daughter in law to add you to her prayer list. Be well dear lady.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Joy! How kind of you to go outside of yourself and ask for prayers for me… you don’t know how much I appreciate that!

      I will continue to pray for you both… healing and peace is on the way. I can feel it!

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  7. Good Morning, Nonnie,

    Thank you for praying for me. I appreciate the prayers of people who love me. I also looked on Amazon, Germany for the Believer’s Prayer Cards. They don’t run them on the Amazon site in Germany.

    You are a living witness to the people whom you are around. Your obedience and your earnestness about your prayer life is changing people’s heart.

    I am sending you a card after I finish this to your private email address.

    Take care my dear and you are in my heart and my prayers. ❤️🙏🏾

    Shalom shalom

    I forgot something. OBEY your hubby. 😂😇

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    • Oh, Pat, I am so disappointed to learn that you’re not able to access those cards. I would love to send them to you, if you would guide Paula in doing so. I know you would appreciate those cards!

      Now, obeying hubby… what does that mean? (For me and my house… hubby obeys the wife). LOL. 

      Funny but true story, before I got married, I asked the Pastor (who was my uncle) to remove the word “obey” from our vows. He looked at me, he frowned, and said he didn’t think it was right that the word be removed. I insisted. At the wedding, he decided that he would ask me if I would obey anyway – well suffice it to say the church had a time laughing as he continued to ask me several times, and I continued with my refusal of an affirmative response. I simply bit my lip, continued to look at my husband-to-be, who was tickled pink by all this and even muttered to the pastor “You’re wasting your time, sir. She will never say it.” Eventually, HE moved on, because I wasn’t budging, and I refused to stand in the house of the Lord and lie by saying that I would obey my husband. Now, that’s how I feel about the obey thing. 

      All of my friends (from school) and I married in the same year. Several weddings in a matter of months… in one year. Whereas everyone else’s wedding was soft and sentimental, mine was filled with comedic moments like this one. There was a ton of laughter! Maybe that’s why our home is filled with laughter now all these many years later!

      Thanks for dropping by, dear Pat!


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  8. Good morning, Nonnie.

    I absolutely believe in the power of prayer and you know how much I appreciate yours. It has become common for people to respond to any number of situations by saying “I’ll pray for you,” and, like you, I’ve often wondered how many really do.

    It feels like your health is on the improve and I hope that feeling is accurate. I’ll pray for you. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Karen! Yes, I believe that you will each time you say it. You are so loved and appreciated, my dear! Miss you all, and see you sooner than you think!


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