Traditional vs Indie: My Little Two Cents…again. #RRBC

Recently, I wrote a post where I briefly spoke on the difference between being traditionally published and Indie published;  that post was called “Why I Choose To Be An Indie Author.”  A fellow RRBC member, who is traditionally published, made a comment to the effect that you have more promotion and support, etc., when you are traditionally published.  Well, here I am again, dropping my little two-cents on that matter.

While watching a talk show earlier today (I sometimes have to take breathers, you know), there was an author who writes under the umbrella of one of my genres.  These days, anytime I am watching a talk show or a news program and the word author pops up, I immediately run to my computer to look the author up.  I belong to an organization of such awesome people, that who knows, it could be a fellow member of mine getting some major talk-show attention!

Turns out, I don’t know this author and I don’t know her work, but when I went to Amazon, I did take notice of some of her stats of the book that was being promoted on the talk show.  The title of the book was called GOOD ENOUGH MOTHER, and the author, Rene Syler, has worked as an anchor of CBS’s, The Early Show.

After reading the blurb, I noticed this book had only 14 reviews so I assumed that it must have been a new release.  Reading a bit further, I was shocked to find that this book had been published in 2007!  WOW!  At the time of this writing, that was approximately 9 years ago! Then, I noticed the book was published by Simon and Schusterone of the largest English-language publishers, founded in 1924, and a division of powerhouse, CBS.  (I guess that would definitely land them in the BIG traditional publishing lane, right?)

Now, in comparison, I’d like to share my stats… little ole’ me stats, as they stand today.  I am an Indie Author, I am a partner in a small publishing company, 4WillsPublishing, and I have authored to-date, three titles, co-authored one, and have appeared in a couple of anthologies.  Please, pay very close attention:

*May, 2013, published “THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE…” a Parenting Guide – 25 reviews

*November, 2013, published “DAYDREAM’S DAUGHTER…” a Novel – 101 reviews

*March, 2014, published  “SUGARCOATIN’ IS FOR CANDY…”  a Non-Fiction/Self-Help guide – 90 reviews

*February, 2015, published “IF ONLY THERE WAS MUSIC…” a Poetry book – 42 reviews

Again, I am an Indie Author and I wear that title with great pride.  I don’t have, nor have I ever had, a big publishing house standing behind, beside, or in front of me.  Yet, going back to the words of my fellow member, and I quote:  “The big negative to being an indie author is that you don’t get the book reviews and exposure that a big house can offer. I’ve found that most frustrating,”  I’m going to have to beg to differ.

I don’t need to say anymore, do I?  Not when the proof is clearly in the dates and the reviews, right?  I’m just going to leave you with my famous stare-glare and a two-word question in response to my fellow member’s opinion of traditional vs Indie publishing:

-________________-  “Oh, really?”

Cheers to being Indie!



  1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    Nannie its shocking what you can dig up when you bring a shovel. These big publishing houses ain’t what they are cracked up to be. They get an easy ride off the coattails of authors who have to do the work. And when they get a celebrity they really get a free ride. Thanks for sharing.


  2. roxburkey

    Hi Nonnie, Like the post and your perspective is golden.


  3. sistercrystalmary

    I am glad to be an Indie Author although it took me ages to work out what INDIE mean. LOL. It’s nice to have the control of your own work, and get the percentage of the profit’s. Publishers rip you off.
    WOW… you have LOTS of reviews. well done.


  4. Thanks, Nonnie! You DO have a way with words and I could not have explained it better. I think being traditionally published has a certain esteem ring to it, but I chose Indie for many of the reasons you mention in your post. Mostly, I like to be in control of things and even do my own illustrations. It remains a proud moment every time I press the publish button. THAT is another achievement after much blood, sweat and fears . . . err . . . tears too. I look forward to more of your inspiring, kick-but articles which help to keep us Indies focused on the job – writing and marketing.


  5. jhawker1969

    Good post, Nonnie. As someone who has been traditionally published, I can tell you that I was not impressed with the marketing efforts my books received. That this person has only 14 reviews in nine years speaks volumes about how traditional publishers deal with authors. The first book in my trilogy has 71 reviews in two years and that is because of my own marketing and promotion efforts–and because I belong to a group like RRBC. Publishers are notorious for rejecting great books and not putting the $$ or effort in promoting a lot of the ones they decide to publish–unless there is some gimmick that attracts readers (Shades of Grey, Twilight, Harry Potter, Zombies). Trouble is, once a book like Grey or Twilight, etc are published, then the market is flooded with copycat books and publishers begin looking around for the “next new thing.” That should not be what motivates writers. It should be the sheer joy of writing (hard work that it is) and telling a compelling story–not seeking to win some literary lottery that will propel you into J.K. Rowling territory. Writing to get rich is a bit like overeating in order to lose weight. You can delude yourself until the day you step on the scales.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ron, it’s great that traditionally published authors such as yourself, weigh in on these matters, as again, it lends to the proof that’s clearly in the pudding. So many writers have the mindset that just being able to say they have a publisher, builds their status…it doesn’t.

      It’s being proven all too often these days that so little support is being given to traditionally published authors, unless they are celebrities with huge followings (but even with some of those, the writing is less than stellar). I will NEVER understand why someone would give up so much for a return that’s so small, in most cases, but, to each his/her own.

      Thanks for dropping by, Ron. Always good to see you!


  6. Gwen Plano

    Excellent, Nonnie! And, you have the stats to prove it!! YAY…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Obviously this topic strikes a chord in many, Gwen! Thanks for dropping by!


  7. Indie is better, if only because of the old motto of it being better to be the master of your own ship… so no arguments with any of Nonnie’s points.
    From a personal perspective, I naturally shy away from ‘marketing’ and self-promotion and this is the main reason why RRBC is so great for indie authors like me – it’s support network is full of friends who know how it is to be out there on your own, so it’s a no-brainer to join up and join in the fun and camaraderie.
    As a reader and total fan-girl of one the most popular English writers internationally, the late, great Terry Pratchett, I’m also more than aware that, even with a huge publishing house (Harper Collines) at your back, an author still needs to work their socks off at keeping their profile buoyant and to connect with their audience at every opportunity, even if you don’t have a publisher isn’t supporting you. Terry had many legendary literary heroes himself, so he was well aware of how much personal appearances at signings and conventions mean to a fan-base and was always eager, even after his Alzheimers condition and arthritis was hitting him hard, was still coming to fan events and ‘signing’ his books with a thumbprint and arranging giveaways at his own expense – he loved being with his big Discworld family and we loved him right back for his heart and courage.
    Books generate love – you need to spend it as well as receive it, so, even if you don’t have a heavy-weight backer behind you, you can still so the promo thing – especially if you have a great FREE & FRIENDLY support network like RRBC behind you!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Reblogged this on Writing and Music and commented:
    This blog was originally posted by the President of the Rave Reviews Book Club, an organization that is not only dedicated to promoting authors, but actually gets the job done!

    If you are an author, Indie or Traditionally Published, I invite you to look close at the Rave Reviews Book Club and all of the opportunities provided to you through it to support and uplift other authors. Nonnie Jules, President of the club, states this, ‘You are only a successful author when you are lifting someone else up higher than yourself.’
    And, it is true!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. One statement you made here that rings so true with me is that Indie authors have to work at least ten times harder than traditionally published authors, but the rewards are 100 times greater. My sister is traditionally published and she has been on the NY Times and USA Today Bestseller lists. But, she has so little control over her work from cover design to editing. Sometimes she hardly recognizes her stories once the editors are finished. In this publishing climate, Indie is the preferred way to go for me! Thanks to Rave Reviews Book Club, my reviews are increasing slowly but surely.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi, Jan! Well, I didn’t quite say that Indie authors had to work at least ten times harder than traditionally published authors, because in my opinion, as a traditionally published author, with all the backing that is supposed to come with that title, they still have to work just as hard as Indies do.

      I did want to point out that since they have to work just as hard as we do to catapult themselves and their work, why not receive more of the advantages…first and foremost, having the final say and being able to control their work?

      But, Jan, I do know what you were meaning to say. Thanks so much for dropping by and chiming in!

      Liked by 2 people

  10. I remember, when I was much younger, the first time I sent off a manuscript for consideration (which was naturally rejected lol) and harboring under no expectations of actually being published. But the entire while, I had a sour taste in my mouth. I didn’t know if this was *truly* what I wanted to do, or if I was only doing it because there was no other way. Looking back, I know it was the lack of options that had me submitting my work, and at the time, I just didn’t know why. But the reason was simple; I didn’t like the idea of giving up my creative control to the publishing house. The thought that I’d probably have no say over the cover or even the title just irked me too much to be comfortable, and to this day, I’m leery of receiving a publishing contract. Granted, the advance would indeed be nice (not to sound materialistic lol) considering I have to work a day job if I want to keep writing, but even with that said, I’m not sure I could accept a contract like that. It would really depend on what was being offered and what I had control over!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, A! I’m with you, they would have to offer a whole lot for me to give up anything. The return would definitely have to outweigh the investment.

      Thanks for dropping by and you’re welcome back anytime!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Agreed! I’d take a contract, but yep, I’ll be going over it with a fine tooth comb before I do considering I don’t even like the *word* contract! LoL (And thanks for having such an awesome blog! :P)


  11. Great response! I’ve just published my first novel and it is so apparent that for it to have any success at all, marketing has to be non-stop. Simply being published by a traditional publisher is no guarantee of success.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I couldn’t have said it better, John, so thank you! Traditional is not a guarantee of success…

      Thanks for dropping in!


  12. RRBC is definitely a huge help in marketing.I am published so far by a now vanity press which is about equal to Indie, except I get little or no money. The author with only 14 reviews compared to yours and mine of 60 or more may have gotten one or two from The New York Times Book reviews–which sends one catapulting to the best seller list–and I don’t mean Amazon’s. Villager’s Weekly, The Library Journal, etc. is what pushes writers to the top, some deservedly, many not so much. I know, as I used to review all the best sellers direct from their top publishing houses.The NY Times Book Review won’t even look at your book until you’ve sold 1000 copies. And that’s why talented Indie writers and small press have to try ten times harder and be 10 times luckier to get to the top. Impossible? No. Difficult and at times depressing? yes! But the concept used in RRBC can change that because it works. The big publishing houses are suffering too and their reign, I believe is about over. Indie writers will get their just rewards, but we also need some kind of control over the Indie writers who seriously cannot write, but use the system of giving away books to get their rankings up high with Amazon and looking like real writers.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. An excellent rebuttal, Nonnie, well-written and effectively organized! Kudos!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    Reblogged this on shirleyharris-slaughter and commented:
    I LOVE IT!! WAY TO GO NONNIE!!!!!!!!!!


    • We have to tell it as we see it, isn’t that right, Ms. Shirley? And I see it with 20/20 Vision! LOL!


      • Shirley Harris-Slaughter

        Right On! You hit upon something when you started RRBC Nonnie. Its a winner. I love you to pieces!!!


      • Thanks, Ms. Shirley! But, that’s my line! I love you to pieces!


  15. Your review #s are amazing! Kudos.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, thanks, Sandra! I didn’t know that they were amazing but I can assure you I know one thing…I don’t have a huge publishing company backing me and that traditionally published author’s book was released 7 years before my novel, and I am eons ahead of her in reviews. Just goes to show, we should stop knocking Indie! (We as in THEY!)

      And, I also MUST credit the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB as there is no way I would have those reviews without the club’s support and the uber-supportive members there!

      Thanks for stopping by, Sandra!


  16. Hear! Hear! From my understand and I could be wrong–I mean it has happened before, once, maybe twice. 😀 When you’re traditionally published, the only time you get promotion from a big publishing house is if you’ve already made a name for yourself either as a celebrity or an author.

    I know an Indie author who gets anywhere between 20 and 40 reviews on the day (or a couple of days after) her book(s) are released. Where do the reviews come from? Her beta readers. She has a lot beta readers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m not sure how they operate in the traditional world of publishing, but I am sure that those numbers above, hers and mine, speak volumes.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kim!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Reblogged this on RAVE REVIEWS BY NONNIE JULES and commented:

    Everyone has their opinion regarding Traditional publishing vs Indie publishing. If you’re smart, though, you’d be wise to remember that no matter how you’re published, even with a big publishing house behind you, YOU ARE STILL going to have to market and work your butt off to promote your own work, and since that is the case, why not retain complete control of your work and write it the way you want to?

    Nonnie Jules, Author and President of RRBC shares her two-cents…again, on this matter. Read on…


    • pringfall99

      I thoroughly agree, Nonnie. It’s a new age. Publishing, in general, including newspapers and periodicals, has all changed. The digital age has pushed the publishing vehicles on their side and left them picking their goods up off the ground. Traditionally published authors have to have an email list, a well-managed website, an advanced reader team and set-up their own blog tours. How is that any different from what many of us in RRBC do when marketing for ourselves? The only difference is that we are responsible for making sure our covers are professional and appealing, that we have a level of excellence with our content so that our product can compete with traditionally published works, who have an army of editors and graphic artists at their beck and call. To quote Henley, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” I may go down with the ship, but by God, it’s my ship.


  18. Reblogged this on Kim's Author Support Blog.


  19. reanolanmartin

    Well put, Nonnie! One way or the other, authors have to build their own platforms, which takes alot of work!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Believe me Nonnie, You couldn’t have done so well in the review department without this colossus you create named: #RRBC. And so is all of us. :D. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree, Joy, and said as much above! Where would we all be without RRBC?

      Thanks for chiming in, Joy!



  1. Traditional vs Indie: My Little Two Cents…again. #RRBC | Stacey: the Twin, Book 2

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